ABC of when to celebrate the Islamic guest! + G

Not open a dinner of Islam in the company

ABC of when to celebrate the Islamic guest! + G [I think not a pork ......] not open a dinner of Islam in the company If you came Muslims in the workplace, how would you like to do? Among foreigners working in Japan is increasing, a word that originated casually might damage the colleague. In some companies, to open a special dinner in accordance with the Ramadan (fasting month) of Muslims, many Japanese employees and Muslims were surrounding the table. [I want to change in a force that the difference is] over over. Rice was Muslim and the company wishes and is of a dinner. Just the middle of this year's Ramadan period, Muslim employees at Konica Minolta to perform such as the manufacture of complex machine was to open the dinner. In the past, employees who have faced lack of understanding of the Muslims such as receive the word no heart, was the action that Omoita' trying to deepen the mutual understanding somehow. During the month 0 days afternoon, the canteen of the research facilities of the Konica Minolta [Tokyo Site Hachioji] located in Hachioji, Tokyo, employees and their families, et al.

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